What if you could get fresh, toned, and head-turning skin with no downtime straight from your couch? KORPIA FACE YOGA gives you a non-surgical facelift in a safe, effective, and timesaving way. On top, it brings you closer to your true self by making you feel accepted just the way you are. All you need is a few minutes of practice per day. Are you ready to start feeling ELECTRIC in your skin?
✔️Teaches you to get rid of a habit of frilling your skin by relaxing the muscles
✔️Builds up the muscle mass & volume just like body training does
✔️Boosts collagen production and bone density by speeding up blood circulation which brings food to the cells
✔️Evens and brightens your skin tone by supporting cell turnover
✔️Simply makes you feel prettier and happier you
When we age our whole face experiences different kinds of changes. Most of them are those which make us look happy, wise, and graceful. But then there are those who do the opposite leaving us looking tired, old and sad even if we’re not tired, old or sad. These signals we give to the outer world are defining us as a parent, colleagues, lovers, and friends. That is why it is important to be able to reflect on the feelings that we truly feel and how we see ourselves as a person rather than how we look from the superficial cover. True happiness and beauty come from within and the only one who can really make you feel pleased and satisfied about yourself is you. Face yoga is a practice where you can help yourself to give you more uplifting and rested look with simple face exercises. By following my KORPIA FACE YOGA -facercises you will get back that healthy glow and volume you once had plus you learn to see yourself as a beautiful, unique human being that takes care of herself.
The main ethics in my own skincare and wellness choices and recommendations are that they have to be safe, result-driven, easy to deliver, and affordable. No pain no game is a saying and I do believe it in one way but on the other hand, my personal research has concluded that more gentle and holistic actions can make a difference as long as you stick with the routines. FaceYoga is a perfect example of how engaging with something will bring you results that last.
“Self-care is no quick fix, it’s forever lasting results” - KORPIA